Skin Microbiome Skin CareNew Trend Evolving on the planet…

The importance of the skin microbiome

The microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of microbes living in and on our bodies. It consists  of  bacteria,  viruses,  fungi,  and  other  microorganisms  that  can  be beneficial to human health. Each unique area of the body has its own microbiome. The  human  skin,  our  body’s  largest  organ,  is  home  to  roughly  1,000  species  of bacteria. The microbial balance affects skin health and appearance; imbalance can contribute to skin concerns including acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis. Skin microbiome is an invisible eco-system that lives on the skin that’s working to help keep it healthy and in good condition.


By protecting your skin from unfriendly organisms and helping manage your skin’s pH, your microbiome makes important contributions to your skin barrier. It also produces skin nutrients, and essential skin lipids.

What happens when your microbiome is out of balance?

The microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of microbes living in and on our bodies. It  consists  of  bacteria,  viruses,  fungi,  and  other  microorganisms  that  can  be beneficial to human health. Each unique area of the body has its own microbiome. The  human  skin,  our  body’s  largest  organ,  is  home  to  roughly  1,000  species  of bacteria. The microbial balance affects skin health and appearance; imbalance can contribute  to  skin  concerns  including  acne,  dry  skin  conditions,  skin  redness, reduces  sebum  production  & many  more.  Dry  skin  and  acne  caused  other  skin problems.

Skin microbiome is an invisible eco-system that lives on the skin that’s working to help keep it healthy and in good condition.

How to take care for your skin microbiome?

Two  Words:  Gentle  Cleansing  &  Nourishing.  Because  being  gentle  to  the microbiome starts with being gentle to the skin.